Miniature abandoned truck model


Creating a realistic miniature abandoned truck model using a toy truck.

“The subject of abandoned rustic vehicles captivates me, immersing me in a world where neglect transforms into artistry. Each rusted and weathered appearance tells its own story, evoking a sense of mystery and intrigue. Join me as I explore the creation process behind crafting a miniature abandoned truck model. Discover the art of model making and the beauty of decay in miniature truck models. Learn the techniques for realistic weathering and rust effects to bring model vehicles to life.”

Broken plastic toy used to make abandoned truck

I’m repurposing a discarded toy from my son’s collection, giving it a weathered, rustic makeover. Inspired by a life-sized abandoned truck I saw near a harbor during my travels, this project captures a moment frozen in time.

Coloring the cabin of the abandoned truck

Acrylic colors and brush

The cabin interior was completely white, so I began by focusing on the truck’s cabin interior. I applied shades of gray and black acrylic paint to create a realistic weathered look.

Rustic makeover

To give the truck’s body parts a rustic look, I used tissue paper and glued it to the truck’s surface with synthetic adhesive (Fevicol). This is easy method allows for the creation of a rustic texture and can easily modify the texture and color by wetting the tissue paper during the process.

Applying tissue on the truck surface

I followed the process considering that horizontal surfaces are more prone to damage from continuous exposure to dust, rain, and sunlight, resulting in more rust compared to vertical surfaces. I began with the roof of the cabin, applying glue with a brush and using tweezers to apply torn tissue paper.

Created a rough texture on the truck body surface using tissue paper.
Created a rough texture on the truck body surface using tissue paper on dumper.

This is how it looks after applying tissue paper to achieve the desired rustic appearance. It created a rough texture on the truck body surface.

Crushed chalk powder

To achieve a grainy texture along with the rust surface, I used crushed brown chalk converted into powder. Chalk was chosen for its ability to blend easily with the tissue texture and absorb water, making it easy to modify the texture appearance.

Chalk powder is applied to truck body surface

I sprayed water all over the truck, then blew chalk powder onto the wet surface, and let it dry.

Making base to mount the miniature abandoned truck model

wooden enclosure to prepare base
placed truck on the cement mixture

To mount and display the truck, I need to create a sturdy base. Initially, I crafted an enclosure with wooden beading in a rectangular shape slightly larger than the truck’s size. I poured a cement mixture into the enclosure, filling it to about 1 inch in height. I placed the truck on top to create wheel imprints. I left it for three days, soaking it in water daily and allowing it to dry to ensure it solidified properly.

Coloring process

removing unwanted texture using brush

I removed any unwanted powdered texture using a brush. This process allowed me to adjust the intensity of the powdered texture.

Applied first coat of brown color on tissue paper
Applied second coat over the truck body

I began by applying a light wash of brown acrylic paint (Indian Red-10 color), focusing on the tissue paper, using a brush. Then, I applied a darker shade of the same brown for a second coat.

After first-cut coloring for abandoned truck

To refine the rust texture, I used darker shades of the same brown color mixed with black. Using a round-point brush (No. 2) and a flat brush (No. 8), I carefully applied these colors. The tissue paper created bumps and scratches during the process, enhancing the realistic rust texture. I also applied a metallic yellow color (Pearl Desert Gold 313) to the edges to achieve a metallic wet look.

After first-cut coloring on dumper

Creating Grass and Foliage for miniature abandoned truck

grass texture material

For the grass, I utilized a pre-made grass texture material and applying it to the cement base.

crushed sponge
crushed sponges dipped in green acrylic paint

To create small plants, I crushed sponge material using a metal brush to get the right texture. Then, I mixed the crushed sponge with green acrylic paint (Olive Green 281).

applying colored sponge mixture on the abandoned truck cabin

I arranged the crushed sponge pieces as small plants on the truck surface using tweezers. After positioning each piece, I applied thick drops of the same green acrylic paint to ensure they stuck securely together.

applying colored sponge mixture on cabin
applying colored sponge mixture on base of the abandoned truck

Making Moss

making colored sand for moss

To create the moss, I mixed sand with green acrylic paint. Then, I used a brush to apply the colored sand to create moss on the surface of the truck.

applying colored sand
color touchup

I used a round stencil sponge to apply a mixture of light green (Greenary 67) and metallic green (Green 264 metallic) colors, giving the grass and plants a wet look. Additionally, I used pre-made plastic plants to enhance the realistic and lush greenery of the scene.

And finally, this is how the miniature abandoned truck model. looks.

completed view of abandoned truck
completed rustic truck model shot1
completed rustic truck model, window view
completed rustic truck model, low angle
completed rustic truck model, side view
completed rustic truck model, rear shot
completed rustic truck model, low angle, front
completed rustic truck model, front view
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