Custom-built PCB driller.


DIY full optional PCB drill machine.

When it comes to PCB fabrication, having a good PCB drill is essential for completing the process quickly and precisely. In this project, I’m demonstrating my fully customizable, do-it-yourself PCB power drill. This custom-built PCB driller is designed to enhance functionality with several new features, including a pedal press drill, an air blower, and LED lighting for better visibility in the drill area. At the core of its operation, a CD drive mechanism plays a crucial role in ensuring smooth and precise movement.

To build this drill, I used various hardware and supplies, such as a CD drive mechanism, Arduino, air blower, LED strip, aluminum angles and plates, acrylic sheet, threaded rod, nuts, bolts, and screws. By integrating these components, I’ve created a powerful and efficient tool for PCB fabrication.

The material and parts used in the custom-built PCB driller project

CD drive modification

Modified CD drive mechanism, bottom view

I removed the laser head from the CD drive and then converted the empty space into a flat mount for the drill motor. To do this, I used a piece of aluminum along with a plain PCB board, securing them firmly with a couple of screws.

Modified CD drive mechanism, top view

Mounting DC motor

Drill motor holder for custom-built PCB driller

Drill-pressing mechanism

Press and release system - exploded

A servo horn is strategically placed between two roller shafts, allowing it to effectively press and release the driller. As the servo operates, the horn moves smoothly, applying controlled pressure when needed and retracting to release the driller. This mechanism ensures precise and consistent operation, enhancing the overall functionality of the system.

Press and release system- assembled
Completed drill press and release mechanism

Here are the front and rear views of the completed drill press/release system, highlighting its design, functionality, and structural support for stability and precision.

Column and base of the driller

Old hard disk case for custom-built PCB driller base

To enhance stability during drilling, I chose to employ a hard disk case as the primary base. Not only does its substantial weight help reduce vibrations, but it also ensures a steady foundation for the operation.

Base and column of the driller

A 4mm thick aluminum plate is securely attached to the hard drive case to create a stable work area. Additionally, a 10mm threaded bar is mounted on the plate, serving as a sturdy vertical column.

Base and power plug holder

A piece of acrylic is carefully heated and bent into the desired shape before being inserted into the column rod. This customized acrylic piece securely fits into place and serves as a dedicated holder for the DC power plug, ensuring stability and easy access.

Beam holder for custom-built PCB driller

To create a horizontal beam for mounting the drill mechanism, I fastened two aluminum “L” angles to the vertical column.

Beam holder

Four 70mm M8 bolts and nuts are used to build four beams. The rear side of the beam is used to mount the circuit board.

Circuit board

The circuit board includes an Arduino Nano and a power supply for the blower, LED, and drill motor. Arduino is used for pressing and releasing the drill.

Circuit and Arduino code for custom-built PCB driller

Circuit schematic for Custom-built PCB driller
PCB design
#include <Servo.h>

//Include the servo library

Servo servo1;

int joyX =0;
int joyY =1;

int joyVal;

void setup()
{ //attaches our servos on pins PWM 5

void loop()
  //read the value of joystick (between 0-1023)
  joyVal = analogRead(joyX);
  joyVal = map (joyVal, 0, 1023, 0, 180); //servo value between 0-180
  servo1.write(joyVal); //set the servo position according to the joystick value

  joyVal = analogRead(joyY);
  joyVal = map (joyVal, 0, 1023, 0, 180);

Servo motor assembly

I attached a servo motor to an acrylic plate and positioned it on the front side of the beam.

Drill base and drill mechanism mount

Another pair of “L” angles are vertically fixed at the end of the beam, with four spacers attached at the ends of each aluminum angle. The drill mechanism of the custom-built PCB driller will be mounted on these four spacers, ensuring stability and precision during operation.

Pedal for drill press for custom-built PCB driller

A drill press pedal is created using a joystick module connected to the Arduino via a USB connector.

Drill Pedal board
Drill Pedal board and switch

Completed custom-built PCB driller

Completed drill machine
Completed drill machine rear view
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